Vaccine & Heartworm Support Protocol
Vaccines & heartworms can be a part of protecting your pet’s health, but they are not innocuous. Learn how to prevent vaccine reactions, which vaccines are truly needed, and how to help your pet’s body deal with heartworm prevention medications safely.
I believe Minimal vaccination is an important part of pet health, and it is important to help prevent potential vaccine reactions. Likewise, heartworm prevention prevents many dog deaths every year, but be sensible about what your pet's exposure risk is.
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If you need prevention, use the simplest oral medication with the least number of ingredients. Helping the liver clean out prevents many of the side effects, and supports your pet's liver.
I use the products below for all my consulting clients, to get fantastic health outcomes.
I've recommended them for years, and use them for my own pets to keep their health and immune function top notch.
While this is not a one-size-fits-all list, it does address some of the most common holistic pet care needs.
Contact Us!
If you need help with selecting products for specific conditions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via call/text at +213 394 2923 / email